Preschooler = Enthusiasm, Imagination and Fun!

Preschoolers are so much fun to spend time with! The ever inquisitive preschooler with a fresh perspective on life… we can learn so much from these little cuties! Here we have the child who is now making sentences and has a clear understanding of self-awareness. You probably have started to notice your 3 year old copying everyday scenarios during play and this is the emergence of pretend play. This type of play is so important for a preschooler to explore and develop creativity and imagination. This pretend play will eventually become more complex.

Some facts about preschoolers:

  • They love to tell stories!
  • They think/process in pictures.
  • They are very inquisitive.
  • They are still learning self control and inhibitory control.
  • They are still developing vocabulary.
  • They are fascinated by the world.
  • The midbrain is in the optimal development stage, which is directly linked to emotions.
  • Memories are linked to emotions – so emotional state is KEY to learning and healthy development.
  • They LOVE to be helpful.

At Sing Music Studio, we LOVE preschoolers and we are excited to support your child’s growth and continue to share our knowledge of this stage of development with you in our Kindermusik Level 3 classes for 3-4YO! We know how key the emotional state is to learning. Your child needs to feel safe, secure and loved to thrive in a learning environment. And while our Level 3 classes are much different than the earlier Kindermusik classes because they are drop-off classes, we recognize the importance of your child’s emotional state and we happily invite parents of children who are just not ready for that independent step yet to join us for as long as it takes. Kindermusik is a happy, loving place! And we are here to support your child’s learning needs in whatever way that may be!

In Kindermusik Level 3, here’s how we support the facts above about preschoolers:

  • We listen!
  • We allow children the time they need to process and respond and provide oral stories to facilitate mind pictures and imagination.
  • We are patient, kind and answer the questions.
  • We provide fun activities and structure to foster self control and inhibitory control.
  • We introduce new musical language and vocabulary in our songs, rhymes and stories.
  • We have 12 different units of music classes with new themes each month, exploring both new and familiar preschool appropriate material.
  • We support each child’s emotional development by observing, listening, acknowledging and providing tools to both parent and child on foster each individual’s needs.
  • We provide a safe and loving environment for learning with focus on happy children to foster learning!
  • We notice when each child is helpful and foster that by talking about how good it makes us feel to be helpful.

New Kindermusik Level 3 classes begin in September and we can’t wait to share our time with your preschooler!

Love the program. The teacher is very fun and cute. Love the effect music has on children.

Nina and Masood Azam, Toddler class parents


  1. What a delightful read on nurturing preschooler enthusiasm and imagination through music! Sing Music Studio truly understands the magic of incorporating fun into early childhood learning. Kudos for inspiring little ones to explore and express themselves through the power of music

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